
7 reasons to choose mobile data collection over paper

By October 4, 2018 No Comments

Good quality data is important in every organization, to optimize operations and decision making.

Researchers need data to make informed investigations; Banks need accurate data on clients to reduce risk in loan disbursement; NGOs need data to monitor and evaluate impact of their projects; Government agencies need data on citizens to improve targeting for social protection programs; Businesses need data to optimize their operations, the list goes on and on.

Most organizations use paper-based data collection methods to gather this data – which is often inaccurate, slow and expensive. Insyt offers a digital solution to the fundamental flaws of paper – using simple smart mobile devices to collect real-time data.

Here are 7 reasons why you should eliminate paper in favor of mobile data collection with Insyt:

1. Avoid errors
With paper questionnaires, it is possible to get results where phone numbers are a few digits short or where respondents from a primary school survey report ages older than 18. With Insyt, you can avoid these types of mistakes with validation rules which allow you to set parameters that restrict certain responses.

2. Ask relevant questions
It’s fair to say that a pregnancy question shouldn’t be asked to a male respondent. With Insyt, you can automatically filter or skip questions based on previous responses. This level of accuracy cannot be achieved with paper. The skip logic feature makes interviewing fast and seamless, so interviewers do not waste time asking irrelevant questions.

3. Update questions hassle free
Once paper forms are printed and deployed, it becomes hectic and costly to update questionnaires if needed. It would involve having to reprint and redistribute all forms again. Mobile data collection with Insyt enables you to update forms at a click of a button directly to agents on the field.

4. Save time on data entry
Data needs to be digitized, in order to do in-depth analysis. One of the toughest parts of paper data collection is the time and effort needed to convert this to digital data. During this process, data entry errors are rife. Insyt eliminates the data entry phase of paper data collection altogether, saving you time and improving accuracy.

5. Monitor progress in real-time
There is a huge time lag between end of fieldwork and getting clean usable data, using paper-based data collection. This can be stressful under strict time constraints. Insyt eliminates this time lag with real time data monitoring which improves the speed of reporting and decision making.

6. Generate insights into your data
Using paper, data goes through many phases and many systems. Insyt brings all your data management needs to one platform. No need to enter data into 3rd party software to do advanced analysis. Generate meaningful insights and visualizations to share with your team easily.

7. Capture all kinds of data
Insyt allows you to capture text, image, GPS location, land area, signature and biometrics using a simple smartphone device. With paper-based methods, you would have to carry additional instruments to capture each of these formats of data. Think of all the logistical challenges you could overcome with the just the Insyt app on a mobile device.

Did we miss anything? What are some of the challenges you have had with paper surveys? Let us know via


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